• Download your workbook for day 2 below
  • Answer the questions in your workbook
  • Comment below and let us know: what is your big why?
  • Share the challenge with your friends!

who is sylvia?

Sylvia is a mum, entrepreneur, business coach, stylist & traveler and the creator of the popular websites 40plusstyle.com and sylviavandelogt.com.

She helps women feel better about themselves and get more confident so they can tap into their truest, fullest potential in business & life.

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  1. Michele

    My big why is myself, and finally making myself a priority after putting everyone else’s needs above mine for so long.

  2. Irena

    Hi Sylvia:
    My priority is to gain control over my time so I can get into better physical shape through exercise and diet to get to my goal weight which is not so far away. Achieving my goal weight will help me feel better in my skin.
    Also, I want to strengthen my self-discipline muscle when it comes to sticking to a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. I also want to get plastic surgery on my upper and lower eye lids to look younger. I want how I feel on the inside to match my outside appearance. I feel more like 40 years old then 57.
    Getting this surgery will give my more confidence and will take the focus off my looks for while, feeling healthy and strong will allow me to focus on my other goals and plan retirement.

    • sylvia

      Thanks for sharing your goals and your why Irena. Let’s go do it!

  3. Michele

    My big why is so that my partner and I can grow together and really be able to fully enjoy our lives in all aspects. All of my other priorities feed back into this one – financial stability, long-term goals and plans, and more independence in our lives. For the first time, I am aware of time slipping away and am afraid I won’t have time to do all the things I want to do if I don’t get clear about them and start setting goals with actions to meet them.

    • sylvia

      Love it Michele!

  4. Luanne Haynes

    Sylvia, I apologize for getting a late start. I just brought my 78 yr old hubby home from the hospital. I am 71years young and at the crossroads in my marriage and what I want my future to be. My WHY? “Life is short…BE happy!!!

    Having been isolated in a rural area 50 miles from my friends with a man I have grown to barely like during the last 20 yrs. I am exploring my options to escape now or wait it out for financial as well as honoring the commitment. Heavy stuff…

    • sylvia

      The next steps will help you get more clarity Luanne!

  5. Mara

    My main priority would be getting and keeping organized in my job in order to feel confident and avoid feelings of shame. Then, purging and making my home beautiful. I think I’d like to feel in peace.

    • sylvia

      Let’s do this Mara!

  6. Judy Broswick

    My main priorities are:
    1) get a new job with better pay and sense of worth
    2) get affairs in order: will, budget, time management, retirement plan
    3) get a home of my own
    4) be healthier by controlling anxiety and loosing my menopause tummy
    5) throw a party (I’m turning 50 in 3 weeks)

    My main why seems to have evolved into I want to feel less scared, helpless and alone

    • sylvia

      Great goals to aim for Judy. Look forward to seeing your progress with this. And wishing you a very joyous 50th birthday. I’ve already passed that mark and it’s true: life only gets better after 50!

  7. Sarah Smith

    What are your priorities and why?
    1 Home – I want to renew my energy, feel more zen and help reduce stress by creating a sacred space at home.
    2 Travel – time/life goes too quickly and there are no guarantees, therefor, I want to make memories, have more adventures.
    3 Education/Degree – This will give me a feeling of accomplishment. I will create more opportunities for myself for a transition into a better job (and less physical) before
    retirement. I will also be able to work longer if I choose.
    4 Health – If I continue to work on my health to stay in the job I love in healthcare and do the important volunteer work I do for Search and Rescue, I will be active longer in my life and stay independent.
    5 Purge – I need to edit the amount of stuff I have so I have less to take care of. Improve my physical and mental space.

    I see that my overall theme is to improve my feelings of peace and tranquility through physical , spiritual and emotional health

    • sylvia

      Excellent work Sarah! Look forward to seeing what first goal you are going to focus on in step 3 🙂

  8. Gina

    I want to achieve my priority goal of finishing my master’s degree because I want to get a better job, one that I love and feel I can serve the world better. Why? because at the core level I want to feel free and self-confident again.

    • sylvia

      Love your goal. However, is it possible to already feel free and self-confident without the master’s degree? Why do you think that piece of paper will provide these feelings for you?

  9. Janice Mcglawn

    So specifically, I have for a month and a half been on an anti inflammatory diet to lessen the effect of fibromyalgia and soon will start some physical therapy to strengthen what I can to give me some mobility.

    • sylvia

      And what is your big why for wanting that to be a success?

  10. Karen

    Asking why so many times leads to one conclusion: I want to be happy and free. My main priority narrowed down is to find a way to retire from a low level administrative job where I’m treated like a child and the hours of my life are controlled by a boss, to becoming independent and free to pursue my many creative talents but still able to afford life! This means some sort of writing, freelance work, personal business etc. and living in the USA where we have no health insurance options outside of employment it’s quite a challenge. But it is on my bucket list.

    • Vickie

      I emphathize with this statement.

    • sylvia

      Love it Karen. Perhaps do a model in step 3 to discover why it hasn’t happened yet?

  11. Liz

    I got a big surprise when I filled in my main priorities. Upgrading my current business was only priority 4! My top one was to buy a place somewhere warm and maybe start running a business from it. They ‘why’ is that I love warm weather and would like a more physical life with more connection to nature. The other priorities were more what I would have expected: get fit, strong and reach a weight I feel good at. The ‘why’ was because I want to enjoy my life for as long as possible and have a happy old age. Also I just feel better, or energetic and confident when I am not overweight. The third thing on the list, to write articles and get them published, is something that I have been putting off for a long time. The ‘why’ behind this is a desire for self-expression and to share my particular life experience and perspectives with others.

    • sylvia

      Interesting Liz! I wonder if you question a bit more and ask why it’s so important to you to have more physical life and more connection with nature? I suspect it’s similar to what you want to get out from your other priorities. Your priority 3 can actually be a business that you can run from your new place 🙂

  12. Sharyn

    My fitness is a huge priority because good fitness saved my life when I had a brain haemorrhage six years ago. Sadly, we can’t trade on what we used to be, so I have to make sure I’m fit and well for the future, too. If we don’t realise just how vital this is, it may be too late when we have an experience that makes it all too real.
    My second priority is making the most of the health I have… to travel and visit with friends. I suspect I give work rather more time and energy than it deserves! I especially want to visit friends in South Africa soon (in the next year or two) because that’s a country that will only get harder to visit as I age.

    • sylvia

      Love your future focus Sharyn! You may want to dig a bit deeper into what’s most important to you now as well 🙂

  13. Amy

    I want to get and stay healthy, fit and strong, so that I can enjoy my new found retirement, traveling with my husband and spending more time with my family. I also want to create a stylish “uniform” to snap out of the current sweatshirts and leggings “uniform”!

    • sylvia

      You’ve got this Amy! Let’s discover in the next step what’s been holding you back from already having it.

  14. Pathrecy

    I really want to grow my business so it alone can fully support us and allows us to have greater freedom and flexibility to do the things we really enjoy. I also would like to bring back more style in my life..because its fun and style brings me a measure of joy.

    • sylvia

      Love it Pathrecy!

  15. Karen Stier

    I’ve recently moved and need direction to feel that this was the right choice. My bucket list includes getting fit and strong so I can continue to stay active. I also want to turn my new house into a home. And I need to meet more people so I can have some friends here. Finally, I need to work on the outside too – getting dressed each day, practicing self care, loving my wardrobe.

    • sylvia

      Why not make the decision that this IS the right choice? How do you know that it was the right choice? Because that’s the one you made. When you stay confused about the decision, you will not take the necessary actions (like making the house incredibly gorgeous) to prove to you that it was the right decision. Staying with that thought serves no purpose (more on this in the next step). Once you’ve accepted that this was the absolute best decision you could ever make, the other items on your list will fall into place too (you’ll make it beautiful, you’ll meet incredible new friends). I look forward to seeing your assignments for the next steps 🙂

  16. Emily

    Because it helps enhance the quality of life and therefore the pleasure. I want to pass these things on to my children so that they learn them early unlike me – I am learning them late

    • sylvia

      Sounds like a good WHY Emily. But be sure you’re also doing it for yourself. The happier and more fulfilled you are in your own life, the better example you can be to your children 🙂

    • Julie

      I concluded that my why is stop feeling limited and dependent and permit myself to enjoy. It is so clear now. Thanks for your help again Sylvia

  17. Elizabeth Kay

    Figuring out what’s is NEXT for me is my # Bucket List item, my youngest child is graduating high school next year. I have homeschooled my three kids from the very beginning through the end of high school. Two are out of college and the last will be entering college in 2021. I am preparing to say goodbye to my old life— teacher, mom of kids, school/activity planner, guidance counselor, curriculum planner, college application advisor…ALL these jobs are hats I’ve worn over the last 24 years while homeschooling. It’s time for something new for me. And yes it’s terrifying!

    • sylvia

      This is so exciting Elizabeth! Ask yourself LOTS of questions. What do you want to do that makes you happy? What did you use to love doing before having kids? Whose job would you love to do? What gets you excited? Sounds like you have to do a bit more brainstorming 🙂 Perhaps approach this new phase as exciting! (much better than terrifying…)

  18. Krys

    I have a serious illness which can cause me lots of disability in a short time. My bucket list is right under my nose so to speak! I want to do things that are exciting and memorable while I am physically able. There is a TV show that will be filming a segment in my area (doesn’t happen very often) and I am going to a casting call to be in crowd scenes! I may not get it but this is the type of thing I’m looking for.

    • sylvia

      Love it Krys! Hope you get the role 🙂

  19. Catherine Munyao

    I want to be healthy and happy and look good even after many many years. It doesn’t come easily but it; s attainable. Keep improving self and have some income to sustain a standard life.

    • sylvia

      Why settle for standard Catherine? Go for amazing!

    • Christina Holloway

      My number one will put me in a position to accomplish the rest. I want to be back near family and just be where I belong.

  20. Christine

    I really want to tap into my creativity. I would love to create more. How amazing would it be if I could be creative and turn that passion into a side income. I think that would make me so happy and accomplished. It would make me feel less dependent on the job that I don’t love so much and give me a sense of freedom.

    • sylvia

      Fab Christine. I think freedom is the key word for you. The freedom to do what you want. Freedom requires discipline though. I was once where you are and I can tell you that sticking with your dream and taking the necessary actions is absolutely worth it! (I feel so much freedom and independence in my life now!)

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